Pierson College Mellon Senior Forums
Pierson College Mellon Senior Forums
Mellon Forums at Pierson College seek to foster in our Seniors the sense of belonging to the community of scholars. Organized in the form of a dinner and presentations to which both Seniors and Fellows of the College are invited, they provide some of our most talented students the opportunity to present the results of their independent research projects. The Forums also offer the possibility of especially close interaction between the head of college, the Dean, and Pierson Seniors in comfortable and intimate surroundings. Pierson holds a number of Forums during the spring semester.
After dinner is served, two students deliver presentations, usually fifteen-twenty minutes in length, to an audience of about twenty Seniors and Pierson Fellows. Attempts are made to cover a wide range of topics in various branches of the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the Natural Sciences. Each presentation is immediately followed by a lively question and answer period.
The Pierson College Mellon Forums are scheduled beginning in the fall term. An informational session will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 via Zoom. If you were unable to attend this event, we have a recording available now. Please click this link to hear the recording of the zoom: Pierson College Mellon Forum Presentation Zoom Recording
Mellon Forums are convened by Diana Onco-Ingyadet, Pierson College Resident Fellow and Marquita Taylor, Pierson College Fellow.
Diana Onco-Ingyadet Marquita Taylor
If you are a Pierson senior and are interested in presenting and have questions, please email marquitaAtaylor@gmail.com and diana.onco-ingyadet@yale.edu. The application can be found on the Yale College Student Grants Database. Announcements for each Forum will be emailed to Pierson Seniors prior to each event, and senior Piersonites may RSVP if they wish to attend any of the Forums.
Frequently Asked Questions:
A. When are applications due?
Applications will be accepted (and grants will be awarded) on a rolling basis throughout the fall semester, until such time as the funds are used up. The final submission date for applications will be Friday, November 1, 2024. Early submission is highly recommended. We will begin reviewing applications will begin in October 2024.
B. How much funding is available?
The maximum individual award amount is $500.
C. Are there any requirements connected with receiving a grant?
Successful grant applicants are required to present their research at one of the Forums scheduled throughout the spring semester.