Meeting Spaces

Pierson College has several places available for student groups to meet.

Common Room

Pierson’s Common Room is a great informal place for small groups to meet. Its proximity to the Dining Hall makes it a very convenient spot, but please note that this is a public space and there are no reservations (or food and drink allowed).

Seminar Room

Located in the Basement (Entryway F) this room includes a large conference table, seating for many, and a blackboard. Stop by the Pierson Office to reserve this space (at least one member of the group making the reservation must be a Pierson student). Food and non-alcoholic beverages in this space are fine, as long as the space is cleaned up after use.

Blair Room

Located adjacent to the Library above the Dining Hall, this formal meeting area is available only with prior approval from Professor Feimster and the Pierson Office. To inquire about use of this room, please email