Administrative Forms
A variety of Yale College Forms are available on the University Registrar’s Forms page. A few commonly requested forms are noted below:
- Course Change Notice- for dropping a course, and changing grade mode from CR/D to letter grade
- Credit for Work Done Outside Yale- to transfer credits from another university
- Petition for a Double Major- for requesting to add a second major
- Graduate School Permission Form- commonly known as a “Blue Form” for requesting permission to elect a course in the Graduate or professional schools
- Pierson College Party Registration- must be submitted to the PC Dean’s Office at least 48 hours prior to any party with 20 or more guests (Party Regulations & Guidelines) (Alcohol Safety)
- Course Overload Request – to enroll in more than 5.5 course credits in a term. (*note, first-year students may not take more than 4.5 without permission of the dean.)
- Recommendation Letter Waiver- for placing a recommendation letter from an instructor on file in the PC Dean’s Office